Do I Need To Be “SAVED”?


Do I need to be Saved

John 1:12-“But as many as received him,”-Jesus can be received or rejected by you. “To them gave he power to become the sons of God,”-this is your assurance of a better life as his child. “Even to them that believe on his name”-Only by belief in the name of Jesus can you receive the gift of eternal life and become a child of God. He rose from the dead proving He was able to save. This verse is clear that only by belief will you be able to receive and be able to be called and claimed as God’s. This does not say that personal beliefs can give it to you. This does not say that traditions or family can give it to you. This does not even say that you being the right kind of person can give it to you. This says that faith in Jesus as our eternal sacrificial offering is a gift that you must receive to be saved. Jesus is received if your faith rests in him saving, but he is rejected, as if he is not enough, if you think you must do your part as a good person and trust him. you are not trusting him at that point but you are trusting in yourself. Jesus selflessly offered his whole body so you can let him take care of your sins through his blood.

John 1:18-“For the law was given by Moses”-The law shows us right and wrong and also shows you that you are not perfect but sinful. 
“But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ”-Jesus is the only one who ever brought grace and truth into this world. He offers forgiveness by his grace and truth. He offers hope in a loving God. He taught us that he was the gift and offers what we do not deserve, which is why it is called grace and truth.

John 1:29-“the next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him,” John was preaching and looked out to see who was coming.
“And saith, Behold the Lamb of God,” John declared that Jesus was the one promised to come and give his life for the world as the sacrificial lamb. “Which taketh away the sin of the world.” Jesus as the Lamb was going to shed his blood to cleanse and cover the sin of the world. this along with the other verses presented shows that Jesus offers cleansing by his blood, forgiveness with a gift, and assurance of God’s adopting and keeping us for all of eternity. Do you need to be saved? Put your faith in Jesus alone and He will save you or put your faith in you beliefs and you will be condemned.